In our role as planning authority, we make decisions on all planning applications in the National Park. This is where someone formally submits a development proposal that under planning legislation requires approval. It can be anything from a house extension to a holiday cabin or a hydro scheme.
Once the application is registered and consultations issued the application is assigned to a case officer. They will visit the site, review and take account of comments on the applications either from consultees or members of the public. In some cases an advert will be placed in the local newspaper or a site notice will be placed near to the application site asking for comments on the proposal. These could be comments in support or object to the application. The period of consultation is around 3 weeks and longer for larger applications, however we are happy to receive comments up to the point the officer writes their report.
The planning officer will then assess the application against the authority’s planning policies and guidance. Once all information and comments are received then the officer will write a report (a delegated or committee report) and make a recommendation that the application is to be either approved, approved with conditions or refused.
The report will give reasons explaining the decision and which policies were used. The planning manager or committee then makes the decision by either accepting or rejecting the recommendation. Finally the decision notice is prepared and issued. The planning manager is delegated to make certain decisions. You can read more about our this in our Scheme of Delegation.
Most applications are determined within 2 months of receipt of your valid application and 4 months for major applications and applications subject to Environmental Impact Assessment. However, sometimes matters may arise that prevent an application being determined by the statutory date. In these cases that case officer will discuss this with the applicant or agent and agree a new timeframe