In preparing the Local Development Plan (2017-2021) we have considered a wide range of information. We invited people from our communities, businesses, landowners and partner organisations to get involved in a series of events, workshops and three formal consultations. On this page you will find all the documents relating to the preparation of the current Local Development Plan.
To find out more about the timescales for preparing the next Local Development Plan please view the page with the Development Plan Scheme.
Proposed Local Development Plan
The Proposed Local Development Plan went out to consultation and we received 139 responses in total. These spanned many issues including detailed policy issues along with comments on our individual ‘allocated’ sites. We summarised and grouped all of these – referred to as unresolved representations – into a series of ‘issues’ under three main themes which match the structure of the Proposed Plan. We responded to each of these issues with a recommendation which is ether to make a minor modification or no modification to the plan.
Whether it was at the Main Issues phase or Additional Sites consultation phases, or earlier on in the process at one of the community planning and design workshops (or “charrettes”), a broad range of people took the opportunity to help shape this Plan.
On this page you can find the key documents which were consulted upon during the Main Issues Report Consultation, including the Main Issues Report Document itself, and the report of the consultation.
Please click on the links below to view these documents:
We submitted our Proposed Local Development Plan to the Scottish Ministers on the 6th December 2015. The reporters’ then looked at the unresolved responses (our summary of these as well as original individual representations) and considered how we have taken these into account in our recommended response to each issue before deciding whether the recommendations are fair and appropriate. The reporters’ then prepared their own independent conclusions and recommendations in relation to each issue. The examination process included a series of site inspections as well as further requests for information in relation to several issues.
The examination report sets out the reporters recommended modifications to the plan.
The National Park Authority then considered the recommended modifications to the plan and any necessary amendments prior to commenicing the process of adopting the Local Development Plan.
Below you can find the documents relating to the ‘charrettes’ (or design-led workshops), that were held as part of the engagement with communities.
Blairmore Village Green
Local Development Plan