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Design and Placemaking Guidance

We aspire to high quality development in the National Park but this is only achieved when a self-builder, developer or organisation such as a Housing Association, think about their project holistically.

Our newly adopted Design and Placemaking guidance explains how to start thinking about your project.

This key document provides a clear steer on how we expect our Local Development Plan’s overarching policies to be incorporated in development proposals to result in good design, place-making and sustainability that enhances and maintains the special qualities of the National Park.

You will also find a checklist of steps to consider when designing your proposal that are key considerations for a successful application.

Keep your eyes peeled throughout August as we publish a series of ‘how to’ blogs to help you consider all aspects of the National Park’s unique qualities to help you focus your design.

Blog 1 – How to help achieve important climate change targets through your building design

Blog 2How to consider wildlife and trees in your new building design

Blog 3How to consider water management in your building design

Blog 4How to consider detailing and materials in your building design

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