Hello everyone, Susan here. Over the next few weeks we will be out and about talking to people about our Main Issues Report for LIVE Park, our next Local Development Plan.
I will be in Gartocharn on Monday night (12th May at 7:30pm in the Millennium Hall) to give a briefing to the Community Council on what this report is all about and what it means for the Gartocharn area. This meeting is open for everyone to attend so if you are interested in finding out a bit more then do please come along. I will also be coming along to the community action planning event on the 14th June (times to be confirmed), also in the Millennium Hall, to listen to your views on what we are proposing.
Gartocharnis a beautiful village set within an area of stunningly scenic beauty, local people value this and want to ensure that its protected. We do too and don’t think that there should be a great deal of new development in Gartocharn but we do think that some new housing is needed. We think that an additional housing site – to the one already identified at France Farm – is needed to ensure that some new housing is delivered during the next 5 years. We think that a site at Burnbrae Farm is a good location for new housing but want to know if people agree. I am looking forward to hearing people’s views on Monday night!
Let us know – if you’re planning to come along, or just turn up on the night.