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More feedback from Callander

Following on from the great day we had at Callander Youth Project a few weeks ago, Susan and Thom from our Forward Planning team were at Callander Fire station yesterday to discuss our Main Issues Report and the options presented for Callander.

If you’ve not had a chance to look through our ideas for Callander, you can watch this short YouTube film.

Key points coming from yesterday’s session were:

  • Most people agreed that if Callander were to grow it should be to the south of the town, however residents highlighted concerns over school, and roads capacity.  There was also comments saying that a bridge (both foot and road) are crucial to the success of any development.  Some of the area suggested for long term growth is used for the Callander Highland Games and we heard that it’s important that land is still available for future events.
  • Car parking was also a subject which a number people raised.  One person suggested that the station road car park could be better used which would then free up space for the meadow car park to be used as a community space for family’s and visitors.
  • Flooding was also a concern raised and any development should be aware of its impact.
  • Housing development was largely supported, but only if it suits a range of people, especially those downsizing.
  • The need for a supermarket site was discussed, and split opinions with some people questioning the need for a supermarket to the east but others saying it would be good for the whole town.
  • We heard that Callander needs a hall that can be used for dances and events. The high school is used at present. Some felt that St Kessogs would be ideal for this.

So, what do you think?  Do you agree with what was said yesterday?

Let us know your thoughts.

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