Applications are available for public inspection on our website portal. You can also see all recent applications in our Weekly list of planning applications.
Using the portal, you can search for and view details of planning, listed building and advertisement applications, as well as details on appeals of applications, consultations on energy projects and enforcement notices served. You can search by reference number, application/appeal type, property address and map.
Any individual, group or organisation can make comments of objection or support for a planning application while it is open for consultation.
You can submit comments on current applications directly through our website portal, which we prefer, or you can comment via email to
We can only accept comments that include your full name and address.
It is helpful to know your overall stance on the proposal. Please say if you are supportive, objecting or neutral and give your reasons in each case.
Any comments you submit will be made available online, along with your name and address, as part of the Public Planning Register. By submitting comments you consent to us processing your personal data (name, address, email address and optional telephone number) under data protection legislation; specifically its storage and use by members of staff processing this application. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by e-mailing Please see our Planning Privacy Notice for further details.
In order for your comments to be taken into account they need to relate to material planning considerations, examples of which are:
The following are not material considerations and cannot be taken into account:
The author of a representation is solely responsible for its content and accuracy. Please note that any libellous, defamatory, or offensive representations will not be taken into account when applications are being considered and will be discarded.
Your comment will be acknowledged and will be taken into account as part of the decision making process.
Any comments you submit will be published, along with your name and address, and will be available for inspection and to be copied by any interested party.
Anyone who submits a comment will be informed of the date of the committee/ hearing if the application is to be determined by the Planning and Access committee.
Anyone who submits a comment will be informed of the planning decision once it has been made.
If you need any assistance or further information please contact us using one of the methods in the box above.