A Planning Application was received in May 2017 for a proposed development at West Riverside, Balloch.
In August 2018 we requested additional from the applicant to help us conclude our assessment and this has now been received.
We are now in the process of re-consultation with the relevant statutory consultees and anyone who has already submitted a representation to the application has been/will be informed. This not a new application; the information forms part of the original application.
The application is for Planning Permission in Principle which means that the applicants are seeking agreement “in principle” that the proposed development is acceptable. If the application is approved the applicant will then have to submit further application(s) for detailed aspects of the proposal before any development can take place.
The application will be assessed against the planning policies and guidance set out in our Local Development Plan and other relevant issues before a report of recommendation is submitted to our Board members for them to consider. This recommendation will then be discussed at a meeting held in public where the National Park Authority Board members will make a decision to either approve or reject the application.
Information about the proposed development including the Planning application and information about how to comment is available on our website.
A step by step explanation of the process for any Major Developments. This application is currently at Step Three of this process.
Prior to the submission of their Planning Application, the applicant was required to undertake their own public consultation known as a “Proposal for Application Notice”. The prospective developer has set up a website that gives details of their proposed plans and the public consultation they were required to hold last year before submitting a Planning Application.