1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Draft minute of meeting held on 21st March 2016
4. Draft confidential minute of meeting held on 21st March 2016
5. 2016/0042/DET – Finnartmore, Kilmun
Erection of flatted block comprising 8 affordable units. Modification of planning condition no.13 of permission ref: 2011/0288/DET to revise the number of parking spaces within the flatted development, to provide 12 spaces.
6. 2016/0012/DET – Coldrach by Drymen
Refurbishment and change of use of steading building to form 6 dwellinghouses and erection of 4 holiday let chalets.
8. Date of Next Meeting – 27th June 2016
Approved minutes of meeting held on 23rd May 2016