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Planning & Access Committee Virtual Meeting 25th May 2020

In light of the current guidance on COVID-19/Coronavirus we are taking steps to allow us to continue to deliver our planning services during this time with as little disruption as possible.

However to help protect staff and customers from risk and prevent the potential spread of the virus, our offices are currently closed to the public and staff are working from home until further notice where possible.

The Monday 25th May 2020 Planning & Access Committee meeting, which would normally be held in public, took place as a virtual meeting which was webcast live for public viewing.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Draft minute of meeting held on 27th April 2020

4. 2018/0247/DET and 2018/0248/LBC – Construction of overnight berth and crew access, and installation of fenders and bollards
Kilmun Pier, Kilmun, Dunoon

5. 2019/0358/DET – Construction of footpath/boardwalk with planting, seating, interpretation focal points (including a shelter), pedestrian gates and associated works
High Wards Farm, Gartocharn

6. Any Other Business

7. Date of Next Virtual Meeting: 22nd June 2020

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