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Statement on Ross Priory planning decision

Media Statement on Ross Priory planning application decision

Bob Darracott, Chair of the Planning and Access Committee for Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, said: “This application has been approved unanimously by the Committee, subject to conditions and a legal agreement with the applicant, following careful consideration of the planning assessment and detailed discussion. The process included hearing from speakers both in support and in objection to the proposal.

“When considering any new development in the National Park, there is always the need to strike a balance between ensuring this sensitive area is looked after while also supporting the social and economic wellbeing of the area.  All of the responses and advice provided by statutory bodies, community members and our own internal advisers has been carefully weighed up in the process of this decision being made.

“The application was for a unique facility of the highest architectural quality that will help secure the future of Ross Priory and its estate in the longer term but broadening its use providing huge benefits for both the National Park and for Scotland.”

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