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Planning and Access Committee Meeting 28th February 2022



To protect staff and customers from risk and prevent the potential spread of the virus, our offices are currently operating with a reduced capacity.
As a result, there will be limited spaces for members of the public to physically attend the Planning and Access Committee meeting on Monday 28th February 2022. Due to COVID-19 protocols, the maximum number of attendees will be six people. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please contact should you wish to attend. A face covering will be required while inside the building and 1 metre social distancing will be in place.

This meeting was webcast live for public viewing.


Planning and Access Committee meeting

Monday 28th February 2022, 13:30

John Muir Suite, National Park Headquarters, Balloch

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 29th November 2021

4. 2021/0133/DET – Retention and operation of existing quarry processing plant and ancillary quarry development and construction of temporary conveyor bridge Cambusmore Quarry, Callander (Alison Williamson)

5. Planning Performance Framework 10 2020/21 – feedback from the Scottish Government (Catherine Stewart)

6. Any other business

7. Date of next meeting – 28th March 2022

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