The Falls of Falloch are a wonderful watery destination in Glen Falloch. Easy to get to by car, off the A82, with a short wander to reach the thundering 30ft falls, they’re also accessible as part of the West Highland Way (a long distance trek from Glasgow to Fort William) between Inverarnan and Crianlarich. This 6-mile stretch (3-4 hours walking) follows an old military road with only moderate climbs, and the spur for the Falls is about half way along. The Falls have been enhanced by architect John Kennedy’s interactive Woven Sound feature, part of the Scenic Routes project. It’s a tunnel-like steel mesh shelter, which amplifies the roar of the falls and widens along its length like an ear-trumpet, weaving through the trees to the cliff edge facing the waterfall. Kennedy’s winning entry was inspired by a diary account from Dorothy Wordsworth (sister of William) about Romantic artists who came here in the 19th century, and her words are etched into the dappled steel at the viewpoint. You’re entering true Highlands country here and may be lucky enough to spot golden eagles and red deer further up the glen.
Start from the Crianlarich end and head to Tyndrum to stock your picnic pack. The Real Food Café does a mean coffee and an unbeatable Stornoway Black Pudding Roll. There are various other options for takeaway feasts in Tyndrum for the day’s hike.