The ‘Park Focus’ competition was launched last year to celebrate the Year of Young People 2018.
The competition was open to 8 – 26 year olds who were asked to share their photographs of the National Park with a short description that explained the story behind the picture and what it meant to them. There were over 130 entries to the competition from all over the country including some stunning images.
There were three age categories for the competition and three prizes available in each category. The winners of the 8-12 year’s category are:
Ben Lomond by Honey Regan
Eleven year old Honey Regan from Balloch said, “I had been out with my camera in the area working towards my Guides Photography Badge and noticed the Loch Lomond National Park photo competition online, so I decided to enter some images. I’m very happy that I did, and I’ve won some amazing prizes.”
The winners of the 13-17 year’s category are:
Winter Glow by Kathryn Birnie
First prize winner Kathryn Birnie (16) from Alexandria said: “I entered the photo competition as part of the development group called ‘Oot, Scoot, and Aboot’. I was surprised and delighted to be awarded first prize in the competition.”
The winners of the 18 – 26 year’s category are:
Queen Elizabeth Forest by Conor Birnie
Twenty–two year old Conor Birnie from Alexandria said: “I always see the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Instagram page sharing work of photographers whose photos I love and felt I should submit my own photos and see if others would enjoy them too.
“I’m super happy to have won this competition; it’s amazing to know that other people enjoy my photos and inspires me to want to take even more photos.”
Winners received a range of exciting prizes including GoPro Action cameras, an adventure day at Forest Holidays Strathyre and a family pass to SEA LIFE Loch Lomond Aquarium.
Gordon Watson, Chief Executive of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority said: “We were really pleased with the response to our competition and it was great to find out just what our National Park means to young people across the country.
“The Year of Young People was a fantastic opportunity to support and encourage our young people to get out and experience the National Park. Throughout last year we collaborated with young people in a variety of exciting projects and initiatives including launching a new Young Volunteer Programme and, thanks to our partnership with Forest Holidays, this coming March we will be hosting our first ever residential programme for young people.
“Our photo competition was a great way to bring the Year of Young People to a close and the quality of the entries was extremely high making it a difficult decision for our judging panel.
“Congratulations to our winners and well done to everyone who entered the competition.”
To see all the entries to the competition, including the winning images, visit Park Focus.