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Gaelic Language Plan Consultation

Update 13th May 2024 – This consultation has now closed.

To read this in English, click here.

Plana na Gàidhlig

Fad ceudan de bhliadhnaichean, agus suas gus an 19mh linn, b’ e a’ Ghàidhlig am prìomh chànan a chleachdadh leis na daoine a bha a’ fuireach ann am Pàirc Nàiseanta Loch Laomainn is nan Tròisichean.

An-diugh, tha i fhathast bunaiteach don dualchas, dearbh-aithne is beatha chultarail againn. Tha mòran de na h-ainmean-àite againn an-diugh bho Ghàidhlig o thùs, agus tha ainmean Gàidhlig air feartan-tìre a’ Phàirc air a bheil sinn uile eòlach agus dèidheil, leithid beanntan, gleanntan is aibhnichean.

Tha dreuchd chudromach aig Ùghdarras a’ Phàirc Nàiseanta ann a bhith a’ glèidheadh agus a’ meudachadh na Gàidhlig mar phàirt den dualchas nàdarra is cultarach againn.

Co-chomhairleachadh fosgailte: Plana na Gàidhlig 2024- 2029

Tha am Plana Gàidhlig againn a’ cur an cèill gu bheil gealltanas againn a bhith a’ toirt na Gàidhlig beò sa Phàirc, agus a bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun cùm i oirre a bhith buntainneach airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd.

Leughaibh an dreachd de Phlana na Gàidhlig 2024-2029

Cuiribh fios thugainn gus lethbreac den dreachd phlana seo iarraidh ann an cruth eile, a’ gabhail a-steach ann an cruth-clò mòr.

Planaichean na Gàidhlig a tha air a bhith againn gu ruige seo

Gaelic Language Plan

For hundreds of years, and up until the 19th century, Gaelic was the dominant language used by people who lived in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.

Today, it is still integral to our heritage, identity and cultural life. Many of our present-day place names are Gaelic in origin and geographical features of the Park we all know and love, such as mountains, glens and rivers, have Gaelic names.

The National Park Authority has an important role to play in conserving and enhancing Gaelic as part of our natural and cultural heritage.

Gaelic Language Plan 2024- 2029

Our Gaelic Language Plan sets our commitment to bring Gaelic language to life in the Park, and ensure it remains relevant for future generations. Our consultation for this Plan closed at 5pm on 13th May 2024.

We are now in the process of considering all responses to the draft Gaelic Language Plan, and will present the findings to our Board for final approval.

Read the draft Gaelic Language Plan 2024-2029

Please contact us to request a copy of this draft plan in an alternative format, including large print.

Our previous Gaelic Language Plans


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