Stirling Council is in the process of consulting with communities to identify transport problems that residents have with accessing transport and the transport links to where they wish to go. Initially this will be within the communities of Drymen, Buchlyvie, Callander and Killin.
As part of the engagement an online survey has been developed to help identify transport gaps and they would be grateful if you could complete the survey and if possible forward the link to family members, friends or other residents within these local communities to ensure that as much feedback as possible is captured.
Find the online survey. Hard copies are also available at the respective libraries or library bus.
In addition to the online survey they are planning face to face engagement sessions within these communities with the dates, times and locations (as below) and via community council notice boards and social media.
For further information, please contact Rob Plewes.
Drymen Library
Buchlyvie Village Hall
Killin Library
Callander Active Travel Hub, Main Street
Callander Youth Project, Bridgend
Come and tell us what you think about local transport and how it could be changed or improved!