The Big Bike Revival in Scotland is a call to action to help achieve the Scottish Government vision of 10% of journeys by bike by 2020.
The Big Bike Revival (BBR) in Scotland will use a proven and award winning social marketing campaign to engage the public and present opportunities to fix a bike, learn how to keep it serviceable and gain the confidence to make cycle journeys that replace trips typically made by motorised vehicles. People will be encouraged to participate in fun, social and inclusive events that present cycling as a practical, normalised and everyday activity.
The BBR events programme will provides opportunities to dust off the bike, brush up on cycling skills and to start cycling again. Participants will then be encouraged to celebrate their re-kindled love for cycling by participating in an inclusive and inspiring programme of social cycle rides and encouraged to set up or join local cycling groups to help them keep cycling.
Want to get involved?
If you are a bike recycling centre, bike shop, cycling club or group, voluntary or community organisation we want to work with you to get people cycling!
Cycling Scotland are looking for 50 Big Bike Revival centres across Scotland to run a range of engaging activities, events and rides during September and October – they have small grants (£2000) to help deliver:
It’s more fun with new friends!
If you are a cycle club or group why not link up with another local organisation and/or bike shop or recycling centre to help spread the love of cycling?
The aim is to reach out to people that don’t cycle, so your activities must target people outwith your group and focus on helping them undertake purposeful journeys e.g. to work, education, to the shops.
What next?
Cycling Scotland is getting ready to launch the Big Bike Revival in September, so get in touch and let them know you are interested in getting involved!
Want to know more? Contact
Website Big Bike Revival