1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 4th March 2014
4. Matters Arising – Jaki Carnegie
5. Final Internal Audit Annual Report for 2013/14 – Andy Shaw
6. Update on 2014/15 Annual Internal Audit Plan – Catriona Morton
7. Outstanding Actions Update – Catriona Morton / Andy Shaw
8. Report to those charged with governance on the 2013/14
9. Final Accounts for Financial Year Ended 31st March 2014* – Jaki Carnegie / Catriona Morton
*Members should bring their copy of the NPA Board paper to the meeting; comments received at the Board will be circulated before the Audit Committee meeting, and a revised final version of the Accounts will be tabled on the day of the meeting.
10. Business Continuity Plan – Jaki Carnegie
11. Register of Interests Review – Catriona Morton
12. Any Other Business
13. Date of Next Meeting – 18th November 2014