1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Draft minutes of meeting held on 27th October 2015
4. Matters arising
5. 2015/0124/DET – Land to the South of Cuilimuich Carrick Castle, Lochgoilhead, Argyll
Erection of lodge building comprising a mixed use of guest house/hostel (Class 7), estate business office space (Class 4) and residential and non-residential research and learning facility (Class 8 & 10: Erection of estate manager’s dwellinghouse/office: Erection of ancillary services and meeting facilities building: and formation of associated parking, yard and landscaping.
6. 2015/0189/DET – Mansefield, Gartocharn
Erection of 2No. dwellinghouses and minor alteration to an existing house.
7. 2015/0256/DET – Shore Cottage, Luss
9. Date of Next Meeting – 21st December 2015