1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda3_Minutes of meeting held on 12th September 2017
4. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda4_Matters Arising
5. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda5_CRSA
6. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda6_Energy Management and Facilities Management Internal Audit Report
7. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda7_FoI_Environmental Information Regulations
8. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda8_Outstanding Actions Update
9. Grant Thornton – Gareth Kelly
10. Confidential – Corporate Risk Register
11. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda11_Policy Update
12. Audit Committee_20171205_Agenda12_Audit Committee Terms of Reference Board
13. Any other business
14. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 6th March 2018