Met Office Red Weather Warning – very strong winds, causing dangerous conditions and significant disruption across Central Scotland, including large areas of the National Park on 24/01, 10am – 5pm. As such, all sites and services, including offices, visitor centres, slipways and public toilets managed by the National Park Authority will be closed.

We strongly advise against any attempts to travel to, or within the National Park during this time.

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Local Access Forum Meeting 17th August 2017


  1. Welcome new members Lisa Roberts and Falcon Frost
  1. Apologies
  1. Declarations of interest


  1. Minutes of meeting held on 17th May 2017
  1. Matters arising
  1. Any other business items

Core Paths Plan review workshop

  1. Background and intro to core paths planning see May CPP paper
  1. Review of selection criteria see CPP 2010
  1. Review of core paths see CPP 2010
  1. Core Paths Plan Formal Review discussion and decision


  1. Any Other Business
  1. Date of next meeting
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