1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Draft minute of meeting held on 27th November 2017
5. 2017/0303/DET – The 3 Lochs Drive Campsite, Aberfoyle
Formation of campsite including erection of toilet block, plant room and ranger stores. Formation of footpaths and associated car parking.
6. 2017/0270/DET – Ledard Farm, Aberfoyle, Stirling, FK8 3TL
Retention of 385m of permanent access track.
7. 2016/0399/DET – Land to East of Montrose House, Balmaha
20 unit affordable housing development (comprising 12no. houses and 8no. flats), formation of 2 housing plots, access road and associated infrastructure
Paper to confirm if a Hearing will be held. No consideration of the merits of the planning application.
8. Any Other Business
Approved minutes of meeting held on Monday 18th December 2017