James Stuart was re-elected as Convener of the Board on 9th December 2019.
James has had an interest in the National Park for many years. In a personal capacity he has sailed and raced on the lochs in the Park and has also enjoyed walking and running within the hills and mountains.
In a professional context he has worked with the Authority whilst leading two sports governing bodies (Royal Yachting Association Scotland and Scottish Equestrian Association) and also through being a member on the National Tourism Strategy (Tourism Scotland 2020) Strategic Leadership Group of Scottish Tourism Alliance.
James’s other professional interests include economic development – he was previously MD of Entrepreneurial Scotland – and sustainability having founded One Planet Consulting focussed on supporting businesses and sectors to become more sustainable. James is also a Non-Exec Advisor to Scottish Forestry.
James was appointed to the Board on 1 February 2015, with his term running until 31 January 2023.