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Where are we now?

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park is home to some of the most iconic wildlife and landscapes found in Scotland. Across the Park, 67 sites are designated for their special nature conservation value and the Park holds strategically important populations of species, such Atlantic salmon, golden eagle and native oak woods amongst others.

These landscapes have been created and shaped by both natural and human forces over millennia, and are continuously evolving as climate and the use of the land changes. In recent history significant land use changes have included the spread of commercial forestry, the abandonment of grazing land for livestock in some areas and the growth of renewable energy production such as run of river hydro schemes in parts of the Park and wind farm developments just outside the Park boundary.

Managing and protecting the Park’s natural heritage, cultural heritage, land and water resources in a sustainable way is central to being a National Park. Our National Park Partnership Plan explains how the Park Authority and our partners will look after what is special about Loch Lomond & The Trossachs for future generations.

Achievements to date

Since the birth of the Park in 2002, we have worked with many organisations and individuals to deliver benefits to nature conservation and landscape quality:

  • native woodland cover has increased, degraded upland peatland habitats have been restored;
  • water quality has been improved in some water bodies area;
  • vulnerable populations of species such as red squirrel and black grouse are being protected by coordinated action.

We launched our Biodiversity Action Plan, ‘Wild Park 2020’, in 2014. It has focused the National Park Authority’s and partner organisations’ efforts of the on the delivery of five ‘wild challenges’ in order to achieve practical, measurable improvements for these habitats and species on the ground.

These wild challenges are:

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