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Delivering our Local Development Plan through Partnership working

Partnership working helps us progress actions and deliver our Local Development Plan. Our focus during 2016 was very much on progressing the actions needed to deliver the development strategy set out in our Local Development Plan.

At community level we have continued to support our communities to prepare and implement their own local community action plans. These identify the physical, social and environmental actions needed to improve quality of life and create better places. They are used by communities to fundraise, lobby and secure funding for project activity, and by us and local authorities, as early versions of Place Plans helping to inform development and community planning. Last year Callander, Strathard and St Fillans were supported to prepare new action plans.

In the rural area, significant progress has been made on delivery of some of the outcomes identified in the West Loch Lomondside Rural Development Framework (see separate case study for more information on this).

Partnership working is key to achieving this and significant efforts have been dedicated to influence and support the
activities of partner organisations and communities to shape and progress projects that progress the Plan’s Placemaking
priorities in a number of communities including:




Delivering on the 2011 Charrette aspirations to develop Callander as the outdoor Capital of the National Park with various partnerships projects including the Stirling City Deal, Phase 1 development of the Callander Landscape Partnership Heritage Lottery Fund award to improve accessibility of the towns heritage and recreational resources, active travel improvements led by Sustrans and community action planning.




We are a key partner in the recently established ‘Arrochar Forum’ which comprises community and key agency representatives including the National Park Authority and Argyll and Bute Council. Early actions include preparation of initial concept designs for a viewing platform incorporating eye catching public sculpture and facing onto Loch Long towards the Arrochar Alps and support to the communities’ pontoon project.



Working with West Dunbartonshire Council on a public realm enhancement project led by Sustrans focusing on the Main Street and Station Square and the Council’s feasibility study for potential future uses of Balloch Castle (a grade A Listed Building) – see the Balloch Charrette update.

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