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Callander Meeting Thursday 9th October

Stuart and Hugh from the LIVE Park team met with Callander Community Council and Development Trust and members of the public to review key outcomes of the Main Issues Report, additional sites and future plans. If you attended the meeting, please email to let us know if we have missed anything in this summary.

Summary of feedback  

Hugh summarised comments on proposed development in Callander identified in the Main Issues Report. Topics included town overview, infrastructure and proposed additional sites.

There was general support for town centre regeneration and specific uses.

Those attending said the future use of Station Road car park should be more specialised and linked to the Meadows, which could become Callander Park with environmental improvements. People thought the car park should meet a variety of parking needs including biking and would benefit from improved signage. The scale of the development was thought to be key to effective /efficient use of car park in future for benefit of residents and visitors.

It was accepted that a discussion on what the town aspiration should be was more relevant to marketing rather than planning matters.

Some infrastructure concerns were raised, namely capacity constraints for local primary school, main and local roads, and waste water treatment works. Longer term, there were queries about a new road bridge over the River Teith. People were in favour of a phased approach to supporting infrastructure as project progresses.

There was support for the preferred sites outlined in the Main Issues Report, as well as long term sites south of the River earmarked for future development. It was recognised that tourism, outdoor activities and culture/crafts are important for the town’s economy and therefore agreed that the plan should identify several potential tourism sites rather than just one.

A visitor facility was recommended up to the Crags for business and educational benefits.

Additional sites proposed

The meeting also discussed three additional sites proposed for future development at Claish Farm, Balgibbon Drive (Land north of Lagrannoch Drive) and Gart Farm.

  • Claish Farm site would require safeguarding of the adjoining Site of Special Scientific Interest and Scheduled Ancient Monuments. A footbridge over the river should be a focus over the short term.
  • Site at Land North of Lagrannoch Drive would be accessed via Balgibbon Drive. Neither Transport Scotland nor Stirling Roads Department had raised any objection to this proposed development.
  • Balgibbon Drive site is supported by a Transport Statement.
  • At this stage the Gart Farm site is not recommended for future development due to remoteness from town.

Next steps

A public consultation for these additional sites will run from November – December 2014 with all comments welcome. These will help inform the next stage of Proposed Local Development Plan (2015). People will be able to comment on the Proposed Local Development Plan prior to public scrutiny, which is likely to take place during 2016.

For further information or clarification of any of these points please email

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