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Drymen – questions and answers

Following our recent events in Drymen, being at the Community Council meeting and our earlier blog post, there have been a few questions or queries raised about a potential newhousing site in Drymen, so we thought we would provide some clarity on these.

If you have any other questions, just use the comments facility below to ask them and we will update the blog:

 Q1: Why not develop the 36 houses on the Stirling Road site first?

We can only determine (approve or decline) planning applications that we receive, it is down to the landowner or developer to build the development that is approved. There is a need for some additional housing in Drymen; by identifying more than one site provides some flexibility to help make sure new houses are brought forward. There are other sites identified for new development or that have planning permission in place in other places in the Park, but that haven’t been developed, so it is important to provide a range of opportunities where we can.

Q2: If the proposal for housing at the site North of the graveyard on Main Street (Site MIR62) is included in the new ‘plan’ what does that mean?

After the LIVE Park consultation ends on 7 July, we will review all the feedback we received and take this into account as we prepare the ‘Proposed Plan’ for the National Park. We will review the feedback in detail that and make recommendations to our Board. There will be further consultation on the sites that continue into the Proposed Plan (to be published next Spring). If there are objections to this Plan then these are passed to a Scottish Government appointed independent person – known as a Reporter – who will review these and make their recommendations which are final. The planning application process would be separate to this and could bring forward a detailed proposal sooner.

 Q3: What current planning ‘rules or requirements’ would apply to any planning application at the Main Street Site?

We should be clear that separate to the current consultation, an application for permission can be submitted at any time and we must determine it. An application would be assessed against the policies in our Adopted Local Plan. Generally new development is supported within our towns and villages on gaps sites such as this, provided it meets the requirements of this Plan including all usual considerations are met (access, design, conservation area, drainage, landscape etc).

 Q4: Why would National Park planners support new housing development in Drymen?

At the moment the Park is one of the most expensive parts of Scotland to buy a home. We want to support our communities by having a range of housing types and prices. There is a need to broaden the range and type in the National Park, to ensure that there is low-cost housing to rent and buy and that caters for young people, working families and those looking to downsize. This can only be achieved by new homes. Stirling Council’s Housing Service have stated that they can fund about 10 new homes in Drymen from their current budget; if permission for these homes can be secured this is an investment by the Council in the Village. If not, the investment will go elsewhere.

Q5: How has the Community Action Plan informed the Main Issues Report?

 Community Action Plans are one of many documents we reviewed when preparing the Report. It highlights that affordable housingshould be provided, but doesn’t specify a site – that is the role of the Local Plan/new Local Development Plan. Other relevant planning issues are captured – such as the need for Village Square improvements and the redevelopment of the Salmon Leap site. The Charrette report from last year also highlighted these same points but the meetings that informed the report explored the options that led to the sites we identified.

Q6: Is this the only chance I can comment on the proposal on Main Street?

No, as mentioned above there is a further opportunity to comment if the site is continued into the next stage (the Proposed Plan). We understand that a detailed planning application is being prepared, although the timescales are not confirmed. You can also comment on this if it is submitted, but it would in effect bring forward the final decision on development on this site.

So, does that help to answer some of the questions you had about development in Drymen?

If you have any more questions you can use the comments facility to let us know what they are (not available anymore).

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