LIVEPark update – Proposed Local Development Plan (June 2016)
We are now well through the process of producing a new Local Development Plan, otherwise known as a Proposed Plan. This will be used to guide development and determine planning applications within the National Park. We are currently at the examination stage which means that the Plan is with the Scottish Government Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) for scrutiny of the remaining representations to it and our response to these. There has been extensive public consultation and several stages to get to this point.
This stage is very formal and the DPEA is responsible for leading on it. Here is a summary of the key facts:-
We aim to have the Plan adopted by December 2016 so it can replace the current Adopted Local Plan. An overview of the process and the stages in the Plan process are explained in the above diagram and in more detail within the Development Plan Scheme which is updated annually. You can view the current Scheme
The Proposed Plan contains significant differences from the current Adopted Local Plan. These include a consolidated Plan which is more accessible and reader friendly, with more images and illustrations, and less tables and words.
Should you wish to be kept up to date on the process, please follow us on our facebook page, twitter page or our bespoke website
Should you have any questions please email us on or Morag from the DPEA at