With the end of the LIVE Park consultation period last Monday, we just wanted to share an update of what we are doing with your feedback.
We’ll use this blog to provide a series of short updates over the coming weeks and months. Our Twitter or Facebook posts will also keep you up to date with our progress in reviewing the feedback and how we’ll use this to prepare for the next consultation.
We have had a fantastic response to the consultation with 130 individuals or organisations submitting their views. We also had over 80 comments via our website and blog pages, around 350 followers on our Facebook page and just under 300 followers on our Twitter account.
During the consultation period the LIVE Park Planning team got out and about around the Park to hear from our communities and other interested groups. Some of the highlights for us were the Drymen Show and Callander Youth Project Gala Day where we heard a range of views from a wide range of people who were generally positive about the opportunities new development can bring.
We were also pleased that the consultation featured on both Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland Show and the BBC’s Reporting Scotland programme towards the end of the consultation – this helped bring in more feedback from a wider area.
The first step is to record and collate all the feedback through all the various means we provided – comments recorded at meetings or events, website comments, emails, response forms, online submissions, social media. This is no small task, as although the use of online submissions has been good (over 40%) we need to manually enter the comments in our database. All comments also need to be checked to make sure that we are clear what the comment is and what part of the consultation documents they relate to – in these cases we get back in contact with those who submitted the comment. Some people reported experiencing difficulty with our online systems, so to make sure we capture what these issues were we will issue an online survey of those who provided feedback so that we can continue to improve our systems. Your feedback is invaluable in order to improve the process.
We have also published an updated programme for moving to the next stage in this process – the consultation on the Proposed Plan next year.
Planning, Administration and Communications staff have all been working flat out to get all the comments recorded since last Monday. We expect to complete recording all comments in our systems over the next few days and will start detailed checks after that. While we have been reading the comments as we have been recording them, they need to be grouped and analysed in detail to see what issues, changes or alternatives are outlined and what this means for the preferred approach for the four Main Issues. We anticipate being able to provide a summary report of the response to the National Park Board at its meeting in September.
We hope the above provides a helpful update – if there is any questions you have please get in contact with us either through: hello@ourpark.com– or by leaving a comment below.