We are pleased to share the Action Programme, which accompanies the Local Development Plan, has now been published. This sets out how and when new development in the National Park will be delivered.
The Local Development Plan identifies the Vision and Strategy for sustainable development (including housing, business and tourism) throughout the Park for the next ten years and will be used to determine planning applications over the next 5 years.
The Action Programme lists the actions needed to facilitate development on each of the sites proposed for development and provides an up-to-date picture of progress. It is very much a working document and will be continually reviewed. Support is needed from landowners, agents, local communities, local authorities and key agencies to help deliver on the plan’s vision and strategy.
There are lots of exciting development opportunities throughout the Park. These include:
Work is also progressing on Callander and Balloch Charrette projects, upgrade of the A82 trunk road and finalising Supplementary and Planning Guidance to support the Plan.
We will work with key partners on the Action Programme delivery and keep you updated throughout the process. Should you have any questions on the Plan or process please email hello@ourlivepark.com or call Susan or Kirsty on 01389-722600.
You can view the Action Plan here.