Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been busy identifying all our work for the year ahead. There’s a lot going on and we want to share this more widely. There are plenty of ways that you can keep abreast of what’s happening, get involved and have your say!
Last year we used social media mainly to communicate the preparation of the new local development plan. We will still be doing this, but will also start to share more information on planning and rural development, for example planning applications and planning committee meetings. While we already do some of this through more traditional methods, we want to use new ways to do this. This should help more people to have a better understanding of what development might be taking place in their community. There are other things that we will be sharing information about so more people become more engaged in planning.
Here’s our team (minus a few camera shy folk).
We are all committed to doing what’s best for the National Park – its people and communities, its environment and all the habitats and species it supports. The team includes planners with expertise in development management (determining planning applications), development planning (preparing the development plan), monitoring development (to make sure planning permissions comply with approved plans and conditions) and enforcement (unauthorised development or a breach of planning control). We also provide built and historic environment advice as well as dedicated community development support. We work closely with our colleagues with other specialisms, for example landscape, ecology and design.
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We will be posting regular blogs but would like feedback on anything that it would be helpful to share more information on. Please get in touch and let us know your thoughts. We will be pleased to hear from you.