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Strathard Framework – Your Place, Your Future

An exciting  project has recently been set up to create a new ‘Framework’ for the Strathard area that will incorporate guidance on development opportunities and explore land use aspirations.

Please note that the timeline for this project has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The second stakeholder workshop reach a consensus on the key issues in Strathard is planned for October 2020, with a public consultation on a draft document in 2021.

What is the ‘Strathard Framework’?

Set across the whole Strathard area, the Framework will identify geographical areas which are sensitive to or have scope for development or land use change. Our aim is to build on existing plans and strategies and agree a shared vision across the community and partner organisations, to create a healthier, more climate responsive Strathard that is an economically-thriving place to live, work and visit.

The Framework will address issues such as climate change, infrastructure, sustainable development and growth, species management, bio-diversity, local economy and tourism.

It will eventually be used as planning guidance to guide development and influence land use decisions.

Who is leading this process?

A steering group made up of representatives across the community and public bodies has been set up to co-design and guide the development of the Framework. However this process will be collaborative in nature and will be informed by multiple stakeholders, including (but not limited to):

  • Residents and communities – Strathard Community Council is co-ordinating community involvement, building on the engagement process around the Kinlochard and Inversnaid/Stronachlachar Life Plans. Ideally a Life Plan for Aberfoyle would have been in place before creating this Framework, however representatives from Aberfoyle will be invited to take part in this process and potentially use this engagement as a precursor to developing a Life Plan.
  • Public agencies – Stirling Council, the National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage and Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
  • Landowners and land managers – Forestry and Land Scotland, RSPB, Scottish Water, National Trust for Scotland and private landowners.
  • Local businesses – including tourism businesses, retailers, accommodation providers and other service providers in the area.
  • Visitors and user groups – recreation groups, local clubs and representative bodies.
  • Developers – housing associations, private developers, architects and agents.

How is the Framework being developed?

The timeline below demonstrates the key milestones in the development of the Framework.

Strathard project timeline

Two workshops will be taking place in the early part of 2020 to begin developing the Framework. The first workshop will focus on gathering ideas for what should be included in the Framework and the second will aim to build a consensus for the shared vision.

The workshops will be delivered by PAS with support from Architecture and Design Scotland, who will act as neutral facilitators.

Preliminary invites to take part in these workshops have been issued to relevant stakeholders but if you haven’t received this and would like to be involved, please let us know by emailing Rob Piggot (

Look out for more information on the workshops, including confirmed dates and venues, in the New Year.

If you have any questions or would like any further information on the project or engagement workshops please email or feel free to contact PAS directly: Rob Piggot ( / 0131 659 9780) or Julia Frost ( / 0131 659 9772).

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