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Statement on first weekend of lockdown restrictions easing

Gordon Watson, Chief Executive of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority, said: “Over the weekend I was extremely disappointed to see so many key visitor hotspot areas busy with people ignoring the national guidance to stay close to home and not gather in crowded places.

“While this wasn’t happening everywhere in the National Park, some places did get particularly busy and experienced some particularly disappointing behaviour such as littering, toileting and irresponsible parking. This kind of behaviour is particularly upsetting for the people who live in these communities who are understandably fearful of the Covid-19 virus being spread by visitors.

“While I completely understand that people have been frustrated staying at home and with the good weather combined with some restrictions easing, the message was very clear that people should not be travelling long distances, gathering in groups and that all visitor facilities would be staying closed. This included car parks remaining closed in line with Scottish Government guidance for this phase.

“There was excellent joint working with our partners in Police Scotland, Transport Scotland, the four local authorities that cover the Park and Forestry and Land Scotland over the weekend to share live information and respond to issues wherever possible. We will continue to work together to discuss further plans over the coming weeks.”

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