Met Office Red Weather Warning – very strong winds, causing dangerous conditions and significant disruption across Central Scotland, including large areas of the National Park on 24/01, 10am – 5pm. As such, all sites and services, including offices, visitor centres, slipways and public toilets managed by the National Park Authority will be closed.

We strongly advise against any attempts to travel to, or within the National Park during this time.

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Audit & Risk Committee 8th September 2020

The Tuesday 8th September 2020 Audit & Risk Committee meeting, which would normally be held in public, took place as a virtual meeting which was webcast live for public viewing.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes of meeting held on 25th June 2020

4. Matters Arising

External Audit Reports

5. Draft External Audit Annual Report to Members

Annual Accounts

6. Draft Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2020

7. Draft letter of representation

Other Reports

8. Register of Interests Review

9. Annual Report on Best Value 2019-20

10. Draft Annual Report by Audit Risk Committee

11. Audit and Risk Committee Self-Assessment summary (verbal update from Chair)

Internal Audit Reports

12. Internal Audit update (verbal)

13. Outstanding Actions Update

14. Any Other Business

15. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 1st December 2020


16. Minutes of Confidential discussion – 25th March 2020

17. Matters Arising from Confidential Minutes

18. Statements of Assurance

19. COVID-19 Risk Update

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