What does the report mean for the National Park?
The Park Authority Board have placed a high priority and ambition on tackling the car dependency in travel to, from and around the National Park. We need to reduce the emissions from travel, with the report on the National Park’s GHG footprint identifying it as the biggest category for emissions reduction in our pathway to net zero. We also need to substantially improve transport options for people living, working and visiting here. The Draft 2024-29 National Park Partnership Plan explains the need for a well-connected, dependable and affordable system of public transport and active travel services and the role this plays for objectives in:
The Sustainable Travel Options Appraisal & Modal Shift Report is a leap forward in understanding in detail how we deliver the system-wide transformation of the transport sector serving the National Park. We feel that this comprehensive independent report provides a solid evidence base and much food for thought for the Park Authority and potential delivery partners.
This work was delivered with funding contributions from SPT and Smarter Choices Smarter Places.
We are not surprised by the headline finding that there is a case for major change and that a step change in approach, based around partnerships and shared resources, is required to deliver it. It also highlights the need to address local and national targets. The report suggests key initiatives and milestones which we will fully consider with partners and stakeholders over the coming year as we build a coalition of the willing and agree the best approaches to delivery.