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National Park Partnership Plan 2024-29

This consultation is now closed.

Find out more about the approved and current National Park Partnership Plan.

Earlier this year we invited you to join us in a conversation to help imagine the future of the National Park. We used the feedback from those conversations to develop the final National Park Partnership Plan 2024-2029, which has now been approved by our Board and submitted to Scottish Ministers for their approval.

Once Scottish Ministers approve the Plan, it will be launched and come into effect, hopefully in Spring 2024. This is when the real work begins as we all work together to deliver the actions set out in the Plan over the next five years.

What is the Partnership Plan?

The National Park is a unique place and a special landscape. Things are, and should be, done differently here to maximise benefits that can be provided for nature, climate and people.

The National Park Partnership Plan guides how all of those with a role to play in looking after the National Park will work together to manage the Park and achieve a shared vision for the area, set out in the plan as:

By 2045…

the National Park is a thriving place that is nature positive and carbon negative

While the National Park Authority is responsible for producing the National Park Plan, the actions within it require collaboration and others to take action too. That is why we refer to this National Park Plan as our Partnership Plan.

This National Park Partnership Plan will also shape the next Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Park. This will provide more detailed guidance on development and how land is used in the National Park.

What next?

Once approved by Scottish Ministers, copies of the final plan will be made available publicly. Until then you can read the final Plan that has been submitted to Scottish Ministers for approval and follow our social media channels for regular updates.

Supporting documents


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