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Indicator 12: Sustainable Places

A review of delivery in the first three years of the plan (2018-21) has been carried out and you can read more in our main findings. This page looks at progress in year 1 of delivery (2018/19) only.

Table shows: 

  • Indicator of success – Number of projects delivering well-designed sustainable places.
  • Target – Delivery in 3 communities per year of the Plan.
  • 2018/19 figure – No projects yet completed
  • Performance – Below target

What does this tell us?

A wide range of projects working to make the National Park’s towns and villages well-designed and sustainable are underway. These projects are known as place-making priorities in our Local Development Plan and key initiatives are illustrated here in the Partnership Plan.

Delivery of all of these projects requires strong partnership working and many are focused on long-term change, so they will take several years to complete. The map below shows progress in each community in 2018.

Projects progress in National Park communities in 2018

Roll over the icons on the map to read more about the projects.

Projects range from public realm improvements to new pontoons, along with cycle ways and better use of greenspace. They bring benefits including flood alleviation, economic development, supporting active travel and community-led regeneration. Projects are being developed and delivered by partners in the third, private and public sectors, with strong working relationships and clear, jointly-developed plans continuing to be key to making headway.

The rate of progress is as expected at this early stage in the Partnership Plan, with the emphasis necessarily on the groundwork (for example building partnerships, assessing feasibility and securing funding) which will ensure the projects come to fruition in the latter years of the Plan. Nonetheless, increased engagement across partnerships is required to reach the common goals for place-making.

Please note that the findings for this indicator relate to the calendar year 2018.

Contribution to National Outcomes

Progress on this indicator contributes to the following National Outcomes:

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Progress on this indicator contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Minor contribution
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