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Introduction to our Partnership Plan review

The National Park Partnership Plan sets out the overarching vision to guide how all those with a role in looking after the National Park will work together over five years to ensure a successful, sustainable future for this iconic place. The Plan guides the work of not just the National Park Authority but of all the organisations involved in managing the area and whose work will make the overarching vision a reality.

You can find out more about the Plan for 2018-23.

Indicators of Success

A suite of indicators was published with the Plan to establish whether it is delivering what it set out to achieve and having a positive effect on the National Park. Tracking and reporting on the identified Indicators of Success provides an annual snapshot of progress and is used to continually refine delivery against the Plan’s outcomes.

The Indicators are intentionally not exhaustive, instead focusing on key areas that are indicative of the outcomes, principles and priorities across the Plan. Reporting on the Indicators is intended to shed light on the total of our collective efforts, with action often needed in multiple areas and at all levels of policy and practice to see progress against targets.

Purpose of this Review

This Review presents the findings for the first year of the Plan’s delivery, from April 2018 to March 2019. It compiles new and existing information, sourced from the National Park Authority and delivery partners, to report on the Indicators of Success and their targets. This of course does not represent everything delivery partners would consider in progressing the Plan, something no single Review could do; as with the Indicators themselves the Review is strategic in nature. The aim of the Review is to bring together the organisations working across the National Park to celebrate successes, reflect on challenges and identify how, together, we continue to make this ambitious Plan a reality.

The National Park Authority is the author of this Review, recognising our statutory purpose to ensure that the National Park aims are collectively achieved in a co-ordinated way. Nonetheless, it is of course the collective work of the delivery partners that is needed to deliver against the outcomes in the Plan. We welcome feedback from partners, with the expectation that partners will highlight work if we have inadvertently missed or misrepresented it.

Contribution to National Outcomes and Sustainable Development Goals

Look out for these symbols throughout the review to see where the Indicators of Success are helping to achieve the National Outcomes set out in Scotland’s National Performance Framework (NPF).

The Plan’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was also mapped through a collaborative project with the University of Stirling, with MSc in Strategic Sustainable Business students carrying out an assessment of the National Park Authority’s contribution to the SDGs. As part of this work one student mapped the Plan’s Indicators against the SDGs, reporting where progress on an Indicator entailed progress on the SDGs.

Navigate through our Indicators of Success to find out more.

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