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How will we measure success?

Key indicators will be used in order to establish whether the National Park Partnership Plan is delivering what it has set out to achieve and having a positive effect on the National Park. The Park Authority and its partners will track and report on the Indicators of Success. They will provide a regular snapshot of progress and be used to continually refine delivery against our outcomes.

1. Area of new woodland

 2000 hectares of woodland expansion by 2023

2. Area and condition of restored peatland

 2000 hectares of restored peatland by 2023

3. Percentage of designated sites in favourable condition

 Increase from 2017 baseline of 76% of designated site features to 80% by 2023

4. Percentage of water bodies achieving at least good ecological condition

 Increase from 2016 baseline of 44% to 59% by 2023

5. Proportion of people travelling to and around the National Park by public or active transport

 Reduce proportion arriving by car from 2015/16 Visitor Survey baseline of 85%

 Reduce proportion exploring by car from 2015/16 Visitor Survey baseline of 62%

 Increase proportion exploring by foot, water and bike from the 2015/16 Visitor Survey baselines of 39%, 26% and 8% respectively

6. Proportion of people taking part in active recreation

 Increase from 2015/16 Visitor Survey baselines of 24% for active sport and 54% for low-level walking

7. Overall value of the visitor economy

 Increase from 2016 STEAM baseline of £340m by 2023

8. Reported public experience of the Park’s settlements and landscapes

 Increase in proportion of people reporting a good quality experience

9. Number of volunteers and volunteer hours

 Increase by 20% from the 2017/18 baseline by 2023

10. Number of young people having an outdoor learning experience in the National Park

 At least 2500 young people per year over the Plan period

11. Number of new homes built and proportion of affordable homes

 375 homes over the Plan period with a minimum of 25% being affordable

12. Number of projects delivering well-designed, sustainable places

 Delivery in 3 communities per year of the Plan

13. Number of community-identified projects delivered

 Delivery of 3 projects per Community Action Plan by 2023

14. Number of new skills development opportunities from projects in the National Park

 Increase opportunities in the National Park over the Plan period

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