Stuart and Hugh from the LIVE Park Team, along with Ewan Anderson from 7N Architects would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time to participate in the LIVE Park Masterplan workshop last Thursday 27th November – we were delighted to have such a constructive meeting to help guide future development to the southern part of Callander.
We heard the views of the community council, development trust, Town Co-ordinator, agents and landowners, Stirling Council as well as Government Agencies (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland, Scottish Water and Transport Scotland).
Building on the Main Issues Report consultation and the previous Callander Charette, the purpose of this workshop was to gather information from all of the stakeholders and partners to inform the preparation of the Masterplan Framework for Callander South. This Masterplan Framework will then guide future planning decisions on where new homes, hotel, sports field, commercial businesses and infrastructure should go, and how they should be developed.
Key points raised and discussed in the workshop included:
– Infrastructure and service requirements
– Water provision, and waste water treatment
– Education provison
– Safeguarding archaeology
With such constructive contributions on the day, we feel confident we have solid foundations on which to develop the Masterplan Framework. Over the next few months the landowners’ advisors/agents, in conjunction with the LIVE Park Team, will be working together to produce the Masterplan.
This guidance will be issued as draft guidance for consultation in the summer along with our Proposed Local Development Plan.
To keep up with all the latest news with this project, and all the LIVE Park planning work, please follow our social media feeds:
Or if you have any questions please email us