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Resilient Farm Network

Land managers within the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park are invited to apply to become one of three Resilient Farm Network (RFN) host farms. Each farm will receive a comprehensive farm review including financial analysis, enterprise performance, biodiversity and habitat review and carbon foot printing. These aspects will be continually reviewed over the five-year program from 2025-2029 as opportunities are identified and changes are made on the farm.

Each host farm will have support from a management group of local farmers and land managers. These RFN groups will meet regularly, in-person, on and off the host farm and online, to discuss progress, scope new ideas and share experiences. A training programme is also being developed for RFN members which will commence with vision setting, financials and business planning and farm visits will be planned.

The aim being that through peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, supported by training and advisory, and active demonstration on host farms we can create:

  • More resilient and profitable farming businesses, less reliant on support payments and purchased inputs through system design, and refinement, for low-cost forage-based production.
  • Greater farm resilience to climate change through focus on grassland management, soil health and data driven decision making for dry and wet period planning.
  • Social resilience through creating a community support network and farming systems that support an improved work life balance.
  • A resilient nature-rich National Park where abundant wildlife and a healthy natural environment provide a wealth of benefits through an extensive, well-connected living network. Protecting existing carbon storage, and further increasing sequestration, through restoration of peatland, soil carbon and woodland.

Participation as a host farm would suit those with a forward-thinking mindset, that are keen to review and improve their farming business whilst promoting biodiversity through nature friendly farming practices and habitat creation and mitigating carbon emissions.

Our proposal

The programme will be led and facilitated by Daniel Stout, Land Management Adviser with the National Park. Daniel is an experienced farm business consultant and comes from a farming background in Shetland.

Each host farm business will receive an initial farm review, including farm and enterprise specific financial, technical and sustainability performance, options appraisal and carbon auditing, carried out by Daniel Stout. Expertise within the Park and external advisory will be utilised to deliver biodiversity and habitat audits, as well as farm specific aspects such as peatland restoration, deer management, invasive species control and woodlands, with creation of an action plan for habitat and nature restoration and funding streams identified.

Through review, budgeting and feedback and suggestions from their RFN group it is envisaged that each farm will select a number of actions and trials to implement, for example this could be changes in livestock management to promote performance, grazing strategies, habitat creation or reseeding with diverse swards.

Ongoing support will be provided with specialist knowledge brought in to advise, be that from farms successfully implementing such practices, industry or advisory. Performance review will be repeated annually to continue data-driven decision making, identifying opportunities and track the financial, social and environmental value of management changes.

Host farms will receive at no cost to the business:

  • A comprehensive farm review and options appraisal.
  • Annual farm and enterprise specific financial and technical performance analysis and benchmarking.
  • Carbon audits by an FBAASS accredited adviser eligible for PSF soil analysis funding and the Whole Farm Plan.
  • A commitment to provide on-going support, monitoring and advice during the implementation of on-farm trails and projects and that changes will be fully costed to ascertain true value.
  • Funding advice and application support.
  • Priority spaces on the accompanying Resilient Farmer Training programme and group knowledge exchange events such as farm visits out-with the National Park.

Expectations of the host farms

For the success of the programme, to gain value for their own business and for the farming community it is expected that the host farms will:

  • Have an open and positive mindset.
  • Commit time for data collection and the initial and ongoing farm reviews.
  • Actively engage with their local RFN including hosting the group on farm and attending meetings and farm visits.
  • Be prepared to share their farming system and select performance metrics with their local RFN group and open meetings.
  • Host an annual open meeting on the farm each year.
  • Attend the Resilient Farmer training programme.

Application process

If you’d be interested in applying to become one of the Resilient Farm Network Host Farms, please fill out an Expression of Interest Form before Sunday 10th November.

If you’d to discuss further, please get in touch with Daniel Stout: or 07798926986.

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