Organised groups such as Duke of Edinburgh, Scouts, and youth organisations that wish to camp in a Camping Management Zone can apply online for an authorisation. There is no charge for these types of groups to camp in a Camping Management Zone.
The National Park is used by many different organised groups who camp for a variety of reasons. We want to continue to facilitate groups camping in those areas of the National Park covered by the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Camping Management Byelaws 2017.
Applicants are asked to submit an application using our online form, which is available below. This can be returned to us at or by post to Camping Byelaws, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority, Carrochan, Carrochan Road, Balloch, G83 8EG.
Applications will be acknowledged and considered within 15 working days of receipt and decisions will be communicated to applicants in writing (email and/ or hard copy).
The Park Authority may choose to assign certain conditions to the approval over and above the usual permit terms and conditions. These will be able to be viewed on our website and a copy will be sent with the authorisation.
There is no cost involved in the application process and no charge for an authorisation.