Zain Seghal
Zain Sehal has joined the Board as part of a pilot scheme to diversify our decision making. Zain will attend and particpate in Board meetings, but will not have full voting rights. He will also assist the National Park Authority in the development of our strategic plans. Zain will be with the Board until June 2023.
Register of Interests
• Category 1: Remuneration
◦ Boots and Beards
• Category 2: Related Undertakings
◦ None
• Category 3: Contracts
◦ None
• Category 4: Houses, Land and Buildings
◦ None
• Category 5: Interest in Shares & Securities
◦ None
• Category 6: Gifts & Hospitality
◦ None
• Category 7: Non-Financial Interests
◦ Trustee – Boots and Beards