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Our Local Development Plan (DRAFT)

Our Local Development Plan, along with the supplementary guidance, sets out our planning policies. The plan guides new development and contains planning policies which will be used to make decisions on planning applications.

Our Local Development Plan

The plan is dated 2017-2021 but we have revised our timescales for the next plan and the current plan will remain in place until 2024 to align with the new planning legislation.  Read more in our Development Plan Scheme, which sets out the timeline and stages for preparing our new Local Development Plan.

Interactive map

callander area of interactive map

View our interactive map

Use our interactive map to navigate to the towns and villages and view site allocations to find out the progress of development delivery on each site.

Accompanying documents

These documents explain in more detail how the policy or strategy requirements of the Plan can be met. We recommend that you make use of our free pre-application service if you are unsure what details will be required and what guidance applies to your proposal.

Supplementary Guidance

The Design and Placemaking guidance is a good starting point. It contains information on site and area appraisal, including survey work we would expect to be undertaken.


Contemporary Mews sketch from our Design and Placemaking Guidance

Adopted Supplementary Guidance and this Plan form the development plan.

We have two Rural Development Frameworks, also supplementary guidance, that outline the area strategy for new development for the more pressured areas in South Buchanan and West Loch Lomondside. We are also developing a Framework for Strathard:

Planning guidance

Planning Guidance does not form part of the development plan, but it still supports this Plan and forms a material consideration on a range of topics which may be expanded in the future.

Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans have been introduced to encourage communities to be active participants in planning for their futures. On 7th October 2021, the Scottish Government published regulations for Local Place Plans. Subject to Parliament’s approval, they will come into force on 22nd January 2022.

We are spending time supporting and helping the communities of the National Park develop their own Local Place Plans that will inform the next Local Development Plan. To find out more about the support we can offer you and the communities we have been working with view our Community Planning page.


How we got here

There are a number of background documents which provide the context for the Local Development Plan including housing evidence paper, main issues report, statutory assessments and engagement reports. We invited or communities, businesses, landowners and partner organisations to get involved in a series of events, design-led workshops (charrettes) to help inform the plan. See here. [LINK?]

Next steps

We have currently delayed the preparation of our next plan so it aligns with the new Planning Act (Scotland). This means the next plan will be for 10 years rather than 5 years. Find out more about the timescales in our Development Plan Scheme.


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