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Draft planning guidance: Updated Callander South Masterplan Framework

Update 27th February: This consultation has now closed.

Share your views on proposed updates to existing Planning Guidance for the area of land allocated for development in Callander South.

Keeping our Planning Guidance up to date

Our National Park Local Development Plan 2017-21 outlines policies to help ensure that we see the right development in the right place. The timescale for our next plan has been revised to closely align it and maximise opportunities within the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019. We will shortly begin the process of preparing a new Local Development Plan but, until this is in place, we have developed new guidance to help keep the current plan up to date and make it even easier to use and understand.

An updated Masterplan Framework covering the land allocated in our Local Development Plan for development in the south of Callander has been developed to provide clarity on requirements and reflect current knowledge about the site since the initial planning guidance for the site was developed. Once finalised, this updated guidance will help inform planning decisions that relate to this area.

What is the Callander South Masterplan Framework?

The Masterplan is a long-term strategic plan for the development of land in Callander to the south of the River Teith. The land which the Masterplan Framework covers was first promoted during the 2011 Callander Charette, when the community agreed that future controlled development in Callander was necessary for the long-term sustainability of the town. It was also agreed that future development should not see further linear development along the A84 but should instead encourage development on land to the south of the River Teith.

What do the proposed updates cover?

The proposed updates to the Callander South Masterplan Framework have been developed by the National Park Authority and Stirling Council, in consultation with local landowners and the Callander Community. They intend to provide greater clarity on the type and location of infrastructure and development types across the site.

The key piece of infrastructure identified within these updates to facilitate this development is a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the River Teith. A new bridge would connect the whole town, create safe routes to school and enable future development of a network of footpaths and cycleways.

The updates also provide greater clarity on how this infrastructure should be delivered and by whom, thereby aiming to deliver a more co-ordinated approach to development.

Respond to the consultation

This consultation was open for 6 weeks from Monday 16th January 2023 to 5pm on 27th February 2023. The consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who has submitted a response. All comments and feedback received are now being reviewed.

If you have any questions about the guidance or this consultation, please get in touch with us at

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