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An event model: Festival 2018 Balloch, Loch Lomond

  • Where:  Balloch Loch Lomond
  • When:  August 2018
  • Event Type:  Community-led local cultural festival and carnival parade
  • Audience:  Families, residents and visitors
  • Attendees:  The event was held over three key festival zones, including a parade route. The visitor count at the main festival site was 3,500 throughout the day

The detail

  • 42 Stage and street theatre performances throughout the day.
  • 160 Community participants in the carnival parade.
  • 8 Food and beverage stalls staffed by 21 commercial hospitality and support personnel
  • 20 Local craft, gift, information and activity stands spanning products from homemade soaps and confections to guitar lessons, art and photography workshops and environmental projects delivered by a mix of 52 commercial staff and community volunteers.
  • 2 Bouncy castles
  • 1 Bonnie the Seal (a special stage appearance of the European Champs mascot)

Strategic context

In 2018 Glasgow hosted the first ever European Championships, a celebration of sport where existing championships came together over 10 days in venues across the central belt of Scotland. Loch Lomond was the venue for the open water swimming championships.

Taking learning from the success of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, organisers were committed to delivering a major cultural event programme as an integral part of the sporting festival.

Prior to this, Balloch residents contributed to a community town planning process or “charrette” where they identified that more events were needed to help Balloch thrive.

These two priorities created an opportunity for Balloch to develop a local cultural festival with funding and significant support from the larger Glasgow 2018 project.

Event components

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