Our National Park Partnership Plan sets out a vision for how communities across the National Park can be supported to influence and deliver actions to improve the quality of life and place. Support for community capacity building and community engagement are fundamental to empowering communities to influence services or deliver projects in order to create positive and sustainable social, economic and environmental benefits.
What is community capacity building?
The Scottish Community Development Centre suggests community capacity building is defined as ‘activities, resources and support that strengthen the skills, abilities and confidence of people and community groups to take effective action and leading roles in the development of communities’.
How we work with our communities
We engage our communities on the breadth of our work through regular communications, events, consultations, meetings and other case by case engagements. Our Communities Team works with a range of partners across the Park to coordinate support to communities. This support aims to enable communities – especially Community Development Trusts and Community Councils – to become confident, organised, cohesive and influential, so they can work in partnership with others to identify solutions to problems or opportunities and deliver projects or initiatives.