Select from the dropdown list below to find out the outcome(s) each delivery partner is involved in.
Local Place Plans were introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, which contains a new right for communities to produce their own plans as part of the new Scottish planning system. Local Place Plans contain the community’s proposals for the…
The natural environment of the Park is better managed to help mitigate and address the impacts of climate change.
The National Park has a wide variety of well promoted and managed outdoor recreation opportunities providing for a range of abilities and interests.
There are more opportunities to enjoy water-based recreation and sporting activities across the Park’s lochs, rivers and coasts while maximising safety for all users and protecting the quality of water environments.
The Park’s visitor economy is thriving with more businesses and organisations working together to create a world-class destination.
People from a wider range of backgrounds are enjoying, valuing and helping manage the National Park. It is used more as a place for people to realise the personal health and wellbeing benefits of active recreation and connecting with nature.
The National Park’s towns, villages and countryside are enhanced with investment in the built and historic environment, public spaces and infrastructure.
Population decline is being addressed by attracting and retaining more skilled working age and young people within the National Park and by providing a better range of housing options.
The Park’s communities are supported to influence and deliver actions that improve their quality of life and place.