Met Office Red Weather Warning – very strong winds, causing dangerous conditions and significant disruption across Central Scotland, including large areas of the National Park on 24/01, 10am – 5pm. As such, all sites and services, including offices, visitor centres, slipways and public toilets managed by the National Park Authority will be closed.
We strongly advise against any attempts to travel to, or within the National Park during this time.
Close alertLoch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority has today (Monday, 2nd September) published the officer report and recommendation for a major planning application in Balloch.
The report from the National Park Authority’s Director of Place outlines a recommendation to the National Park Authority Board that the application for Planning Permission in Principle be refused.
The report has been published following a detailed assessment and consideration against key documents, policies and statutory requirements.
It takes account of consultation responses from local and national public bodies, other statutory consultees, and representations from members of the public that identify relevant planning considerations.
The report is a recommendation only – the decision on whether to approve or refuse the application for a proposed development at West Riverside and Woodbank House in Balloch will be taken by the National Park Authority Board on Monday 16th September.
The report is comprehensive in addressing all matters relating to the major planning application and as a result runs to more than 150 pages.
It concludes that the proposal would result in a significant amount of development that would be in an area of flood risk where no policy exceptions support it.
It would also result in the removal and clearance of trees and woodland without appropriate compensatory planting and would not deliver the required significant biodiversity enhancements that would support wider outcomes to tackle the nature and climate crises as outlined in National Planning Framework 4 and the National Park Partnership Plan.
Following a detailed assessment, the scale of the proposal overall is considered to be in conflict with the site’s capacity for development.
The report states that the application does not comply with the Local Development Plan for the National Park, National Planning Framework 4 or the National Park Partnership Plan. It presents a conflict between the first National Park aim (‘to conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the area’) and the fourth National Park aim (‘to promote the sustainable economic and social development of the area’s communities’), meaning the National Park Authority must give greater weight to the first aim (this is known as ‘the Sandford Principle’).
The report will be considered by the National Park Authority Board when they meet to determine the planning application on Monday 16th September.
Given the significant public interest in the application, the National Park Authority has opted to hold the Hearing and Board Meeting at Lomond Parish Church in Balloch to ensure that as many observers as possible are able to attend while the decision-making process remains in the local community.
A Site Visit will take place in the morning of Monday 16th September to allow Board Members to gain information relating to the land or buildings relative to the proposed development, allowing them to gain a greater understanding of the site and its surroundings.
Timings for the Site Visit and Hearing have now been published on the National Park Authority website.
While the Hearing and Board Meeting on 16th September are being held in public, they are not ‘public meetings’ – which means that members of the public are welcome to observe but are not able to participate in proceedings unless they have applied to speak in advance and been confirmed as a speaker via the official process.
Anyone, or any organisation, that has submitted a formal representation on the application directly to the National Park Authority, before this report was published, will be notified and given details on how they can request to speak at the Hearing.
The normal restrictions on numbers of speakers will not be applied in this case given the significant public interest and the number of representations. However, depending on the number of requests to speak, a limit may have to be applied.
More details about the Site Visit, Hearing and Special Board Meeting are set out in a recently published Framework document.
The Hearing and Board Meeting will be livestreamed for those unable to attend on the day. A link will be posted on the National Park Authority website and highlighted via the Park Authority’s social media channels.