It may be worth considering the following to help people get to your event or venue:
Traveline Scotland has lots of useful information available on their accessibility page.
The National Rail Enquiries website also provides information on access at train stations.
Providing a link on your website to both of these sites could help visitors find your venue more easily.
Provide contact details for companies that can offer an accessible taxi service. Also find out if taxi companies can take bookings using text for customers who are deaf or who have a hearing impairment.
Information on connecting bus services will be helpful along with information on whether buses have a ‘low floor’ system and any other accessible features.
Describe your location in relation to other prominent local landmarks and provide a clear address and postcode to assist satnav users.
If your business has car parking facilities, you could include the following information and physical alterations:
The following list identifies some of the simple measures that can be implemented within a facility to enable better a better visitor experience.
Doors, gates and corridors should be wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through. A corridor width of 150cm to allow turning is advised and should be free from furniture or other obstructions.
Consider having a lowered reception or ticketing desk so it can be easily reached by everyone. If a modification isn’t possible, a clipboard or lap tray could be used to help with completing forms etc.
Providing a few chairs in areas where people are standing will help to assist elderly people and any other customers who need additional support for mobility, in case anyone needs to sit down. Where you are likely to have queuing, consider a fast-track system for those who will find it hard to stand in line for a period of time.
A well-lit (but not too bright!) venue will be helpful for people with visual impairments. Lights should be evenly distributed.
Applying stickers to full glass doors or windows will aid customers with visual impairments. A colour contrast between walls, floors and doors will also help.
Ensure that accessible WCs are clearly signposted and that staff are able to direct to the nearest facility. Do not use accessible WCs as a storage area for cleaning equipment, ladders, etc as this will reduce the area designed for full accessible use.
Trained assistance dogs can be used for a wide range of accessibility needs including hearing impairments, epilepsy, diabetes, limited mobility and people who are blind or have visual impairments.
Under the Equalities Act (see above) it is unlawful to deny access to assistance dogs in your business premises or events venue.
You can provide further support as part of your quality of service to all by providing bowls of water and allowing sufficient space to allow the assistance dog to be comfortable and to effectively accompany and assist the person at all times.
Further information can be found in the ‘Take the Lead’ guide which is available to download and is an excellent toolbox resource for staff training.