Applicant’s submissions for review:
Notice of review application form.
Applicant’s statement (letter).
A letter of Support from MSP for support was received from Mr Bruce Crawford, MSP for Stirling therefore this has been included in this pack for reference.
There are no interested parties therefore further comment from Consultees and Contributors were not sought for this LRB.
Planning history:
Original planning application form.
Correspondence with agent.
BHRG Guidance from website 20150731.
Officer photographs: 10th March 2015.
Delegated report.
Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Local Plan – Policy ENV20 Conservation Areas.
Decision notice.
Location plan refused: 24th February 2015.
Window specifications refused: 24th February 2015.
Elevations refused: 25th February 2015.
Historic Scotland Manage Change Guidance.
Schedule of conditions:
Schedule of conditions document.